Section 4 Organization
4. ORGANIZATION This section briefly describes DK Enterprises (prime contractor) and its subcontractor organizations to bring success to the FCS agreement. In brief, the contractor team organizations have the resources, specialized experience and knowledge, and established industry relationships to effectively work with CalRecycle to deliver strong results. CalRecycle, Inc. (CRI), is joining the FCS Team. CRI is a highly recognized expert in waste management solutions and has managed several projects that involved the use of waste tires as a feedstock for purposes of materials recovery and material testing. The Wilson Group has accepted the responsibility to participate as a team member in FCS as the California Certified Small Business (SB) & Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises (DVBE). Four other FCS team members are identified as California Certified Small Businesses. A more detailed description of our team’s resources and qualifications, and how we will work together during the contract is provided below under Section 5, Qualifications and Resources. We are not aware of any conflicts of interest for any of the firms and individuals included in this proposal.
DK Enterprises Denise Kennedy, founder and president of DK Enterprises, brings over 30 years of expertise in scrap tire recycling and recycling business development. Since 2006, DK Enterprises has served as the most highly demanded technical assistance and marketing resource under CalRecycle’s Tire-Derived Business Assistance Program (TBAP), Tire Outreach Market and Analysis
(TOMA and TOMA2), and contractor for the first CalRecycle Feedstock Conversion Technical Assistance and Material Testing Services (FCS). Ms. Kennedy has also been tasked to help find companies to participate in the Tire Incentive Program (TIP). DK Enterprises has specialized in new product development since 2007 with a focus on introducing the tire-derived material (TDM) feedstock suppliers to potential tire-derived product manufactures and the manufacturers to testing facilities and compounders. Through this process Ms. Kennedy has been passionate about leading projects to define and meet best management practices in the development of new TDP’s. Ms. Kennedy is a valued liaison to the tire recycling and tire-derived products industry and is a sought-after speaker for national and international conferences. To support recycling of materials and development of products and end uses, Denise Kennedy, principal, participates in various ASTM International committees including: D11 (Rubber), D11.20.01 (Recycled Rubber, Section Chair), D36 (Recovered Carbon Black, D36.40 Environmental, Safety & Subcommittee Chair), D24 (Carbon Black), D04 (Road and Paving Materials), F08 (Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities) and F15 (Consumer Products). DK Enterprises has built a solid reputation for delivering value added solutions to her clients, which include manufacturers, processors, distributors and their supply chains. Denise Kennedy communicates a sustainable networking approach through business relationships and creative alliances; recycling through solid partnerships. This innovative approach sets DK Enterprises apart from the competition by building long-term partnerships based on integrity, shared goals, and proven financial success. DK Enterprises, created to provide environmental and economically sound sustainable solutions to people in the private and public sector, is helping to shape our environment and communicate social responsibility. Innovation, creativity, knowledge and sound realistic business practices are all part of the solution to save the environment. DK Enterprises’ subsidiary DKE Publishing provides a unique turning
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