Section 3 Scenarios

1. Identify preliminary crumb rubber specification and secure material for producing samples and readying them for further testing at the manufacturer.

1a. Identify preliminary crumb rubber specification by June 2022. (Denise Kennedy will collaborate with Manufacturer Representative and consultation with appropriate technical service providers.) 1b. Secure crumb rubber material for manufacturer to produce and test samples internally by June 15, 2022. (Denise Kennedy to provide introductions and facilitate initial phone meetings with potential suppliers and manufacturer representative.) 1c. Initial crumb rubber supplies received by July 15, 2022 ((if needed at this time.) 2a. Identify manufacturing process concerns and strategies by September 2022 (Denise Kennedy facilitates phone consultation with technical representative/testing facility and manufacturer.) 2b. Iterative experimentation of sample and/or prototype production and alternative crumb rubber/compound specifications. January – March 2023 (Manufacturer rep. with assistance/feedback from Denise Kennedy and/or team specialists). Many variables may take place at the manufacturers that may impact this timetable. (e.g., holidays, production, staffing, money, equipment breaks down; regulatory and certification,) 2c. Complete initial sample material / prototype ready for independent testing by June 2023 (manufacturer rep.) 3a. Finalize required tests and as schedule lab availability by July 2023 (Denise Kennedy in consultation with manufacturer rep and specialists as needed.) 3b. Denise Kennedy will schedule the dates for testing based on commitment by the manufacturer to ship the samples to the lab by August – September 2023. Complete tests agreed to be covered under FCS (limited due to budget considerations). Denise Kennedy will also coordinate review and finalization of test results with the lab and the manufacturer. Testing to be completed by February 2024 (Lab TBD, facilitation by Denise Kennedy) 4a. Manufacturer will refine specification for the three products July 2023 (Denise Kennedy in consultation with manufacturer rep., crumb rubber producer and technical advisors and testing facility) 5a. Monthly check in calls (short discussions between Denise Kennedy and manufacturer rep.) 5b. Final check in – March 2024 for products. Manufacturer rep. provides projections and summary of status/outcomes to Denise Kennedy.)

2. Develop sample of prototype product

3. Conduct independent testing and certifications.

4. Refine and finalize crumb rubber specification and suppliers 5. Monthly check-ins and final report; project crumb rubber use

Assistance Activity Ends

May 15, 2024

Total Budget See Page A5: Cost Sheet for Scenario C $248,710.00 * Proposed budgets for Scenario C are shown in Attachment A4. within Appendix A. We propose that budgets for FCS assistance services are not shared with participating manufacturers to keep them focused on milestones and assistance outcomes offered, and to reduce negotiations that could reduce CalRecycle’s flexibility in allocating budget in a way that maximizes benefits across the program. We propose to share assistance task budgets with CalRecycle as part of the overall Summary Report and contract amendment process under Task 2D.

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