Section 2 Methodology

rubber using laser diffraction and/or a digital camsizer (photo imagery testing) to perform comparative sieve analysis. We will also obtain from each participating processor a crumb rubber Material Safety Data Sheet. In practice, especially for coarse mesh size crumb rubber commands a lower price than finer mesh crumb rubber. Prior to the previous two FCS, we were concerned that some crumb rubber producers may choose not to participate due to perceived low demand by these manufacturers and an unwillingness to allow third parties to test their crumb rubber products, or because of a perception that meeting a detailed specification for some end-uses is not necessary. To reduce ASTM crumb rubber testing costs and provide maximum value under this contract, we propose that DK Enterprises will conduct the sieve analysis tests directly based on owning the WS Tyler Ro-Tap machine. 3. Quality systems. Each crumb producer is expected to have systems in place to monitor and track crumb rubber characteristics and issues. In practice this means, minimally, that the producer has equipment available on-site to perform sieves analysis, and that testing is performed in a routine manner with appropriate record keeping. 4. Commitments to feedstock conversion. To qualify as a crumb rubber supplier under this program, we believe one of the main criteria should be a willingness to commit, verbally if not in writing, to collaborate with feedstock conversion manufacturers and the FCS contractor team in the future to establish and refine crumb rubber specifications, and to adjust their operations to meet those specifications. A copy of the sieve analysis of the crumb rubber collected at either the TDM feedstock supplier or the TDP manufacturer be provided to the Contract Manager. The sieve tests will be performed as per ASTM Standard D5644. In some cases, the TDM crumb rubber will be supplied to a compounder, who will be responsible for providing the final compound feedstock material to the manufacturer of the product(s). While compounders will not be qualified under this contract, we propose to assist manufacturers by collaborating with compounders and qualified crumb rubber suppliers to meet their needs. Based on experience, we anticipate that this collaboration to define and satisfy feedstock needs will be a major component of the technical assistance activities to be covered under Activity Plans, which will be budgeted under Task 3 and 4 under the contract amendment to be prepared under Task 2D. We are also asking CalRecycle to provide a schedule of the TIP solicitation for grant applications during the 30-month FCS contract so that the FCS team may be able to plan accordingly to collect the crumb rubber samples required for TIP in this contract while working with the manufacturers.

Task 2E Deliverables:

• Crumb Rubber Producer Qualifying Criteria (Draft and Final) • Test Results and Brief Qualifying Reports for Crumb Rubber Producers

Task 3: Work with Manufacturers to Execute Individual Manufacturer Activity Plans

Objectives: Implement Activity Plans in a timely and efficient manner to achieve FCS program objectives.

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