Section 2 Methodology
of all project team members with access to company information sign an acknowledgement of the confidentiality agreement (if required). Also, DK Enterprises will include an indemnification clause for signature by participating manufacturers, providing risk protections for both the contractor team and CalRecycle. Based on Activity Plan needs, and any other work plan adjustments identified, we will collaborate with the Contract Manager to develop a contract amendment to guide implementation of the Activity Plans and to make other contract/Work Plan adjustments deemed necessary. We will not begin to provide any services until the Summary Report is approved in writing by the CalRecycle Project Manager and the amendment to this agreement is finalized and approved by the Department of General Services. While it is essential to minimize any changes to Activity Plans to complete them in a timely manner, it is also inevitable that some manufacturers will shift their plans in response to changing circumstances and/or lessons learned as their efforts and the technical assistance and testing under this contract proceeds. Consequently, we recommend that some mechanism for adjusting Activity Plans be built into the Activity Plan procedures and that the contract amendment be structured to allow a degree of flexibility in adjusting scope and budgets. Objective: Evaluate and qualify California crumb rubber producers as tire-derived material (TDM) feedstock suppliers under this contract who are willing to commit in writing to using California tires and who consistently satisfy minimum quality standards. The Project Team will first develop proposed criteria for qualifying California crumb rubber producers as suppliers to manufacturers in the FCS Program. Preliminarily, we envision the criteria will include: 1. Willingness to sign a California Waste Tire Processor Letter modeled after a similar letter used in the TIP program. We will use Waste Tire Manifest System data to confirm the Tire-Derived Material (TDM) producer receives quantities of California tires consistent with stated production levels, including shipments from other processors. We believe the letters should also include an agreement to allow the Contractor and/or assigned subcontractor to gather random samples and to prepare test reports for distribution to CalRecycle and the participating compounder and/or manufacturer. 2. Satisfying material “Quality Checks”. As described in the RFP, we have budgeted to conduct sieve analysis tests of the crumb rubber sizes that are identified to be utilized at the compounder and/or manufacturer on three separate occasions, with two samples to six samples depending on each size of material per visit and have assumed a total of six crumb rubber producers are interested in being qualified under the TIP program (three in the North and three in the South). This equates to a total of 36 samples to be gathered on three separate dates from the six producers. Testing will be performed using ASTM D5644 (test methods) and ASTM D5603 (determining particle size distribution) standards. As stated in the RFP, depending on circumstances and business need, we may also analyze the crumb Task 2D Deliverables: • Summary Report • Proposed Method for Prioritizing Assistance and Recommendations • Draft and Executed Contract Amendment 2E. Qualify Processors
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