Pyrolyis Research and Facility Development Reklaim, Inc. (now Pyrolyx USA) Seattle, WA (now Terre Haute, IN)

Reklaim, Inc. was a technology and business development firm seeking to commercialize an operational startup pyrolysis technology-based tire recycling facility in Boardman, Oregon. Recycling Research Institute (RRI) was retained to: characterize and quantify the size, growth trends and scope of the scrap tire and crumb rubber processing industry; prepare a trend analysis for crumb rubber market growth showing present and future market patterns; identify crumb rubber markets and uses; evaluate processing methods ; provide in-depth profiles of leading producers; analyze crumb rubber pricing structure historically and current; identify factors influencing new developments. RRI was tasked with reviewing and analyzing historic and current pyrolysis technologies firms and sourcing tire feedstock suppliers. RRI conducted background research, compiled technical and regulatory information for client application for TSCA certification. Reklaim was subsequently acquired by Germany-based Pyrolyx and is currently building a tire pyrolysis plant in Indiana. This project required analysis of the scrap tire management programs in the Northeastern states' including the relevant legislative and regulatory framework, raw material supplies, tire recovery and recycling technologies, and actual and Proposed tire recycling business operations. One of the key components of this project was an examination of establishing a scrap tire management program versus the cost of remediation of both legal and illegal tire piles and the cleanup of tire fire sites. Subsequently, the Northeast states began to develop program to address remediation which included stockpile inventories, cleanup and cost recovery. Key Services: • Recommended market solutions • Indentified size and scope of scrap tire collection and processing industry • Prepared a comprehensive report that assessed all aspects of the region’s scrap tire industry Recycled Rubber Product Development Plascon Plastics Corp./ Inpress Delta, British Columbia This project was designed to research and supply new product opportunities and the potential for bringing to market other products in proto-type or development stages. RRI’s scope of work involved identifying and targeting injection molding and extruded product market segments and sales opportunities within these segments. As a result of this work, RRI successfully negotiated the use of Plascon technology in new recycled rubber and recycled plastic products developed and brought to market by two large-volume, U.S.-based recycled rubber products manufacturers. A Model Approach for Scrap Tire Management in the NEWMOA States Northeast Waste Management Officials Association - U.S. EPA Region 1 Boston, MA

Additional Experience

• Facilitated development of the Scrap Tire Terminology booklet – an industry glossary of terms, definitions and common industry values • Created Lifecycle of the Tire – educational, marketing and promotional products for a major tire Industry association.

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