Compounder Specialist, Modern Concepts, Inc.

Richard Warpack

Professional Experience

Richard Warpack, President/CEO, of Modern Concepts, Inc. has 43 years of experience in the compounding industry. Mr. Warpack worked at CMS Consolidated for 14 years before forming Modern Concepts in 1983 which has developed into a $11 million dollar company with 65 employees. Mr. Warpack also owns Perma Lite Plastics which makes epoxy adhesives for the aerospace industry and epoxy putty for the marine and water tank industry. The company also manufactures other types of protective coatings, epoxy paint and other epoxy products.


Mr. Warpack is recognized for his integrity, intuition and insight in seeing if a project or product is plausible or going down a foggy path. Richard is able to extrapolate information, read the situation and get to the core of the project. He brings direction, analytical knowledge and formulations. The success

of Mr. Warpack's companies and customers' success is based on

formulating a compound for a product if it makes economic sense, performance and brings value to the product.


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