Technical member of ASTM D11 rubber committee and 6 subcommittees including the chairman of Rubber Devulcanization. July 2008 – July 2011 Vice President of R&D, Green Source Energy, Austin, TX Developed a detail dynamic project plan for circular economy around conversion of used tires to devulcanized rubber and aromatic oil. Initiated the proof of concept and design on Devulcanization of used natural rubber from tire sources to meet EU REACH and polycyclic aromatics. Performed Design of experiments (DOE), cost and green house reduction analysis on green chemical devulcanizing of rubber. Lead the company engineers and the third party to design and operate pilot plant for plant based green chemicals. Initiated the proof of concept and design plastic composite recovery. January 2004 – June 2008 Co-Founder and Vice President of Technology, LFFC, Manhattan, KS Initiate the environmental-friendly alternative processing of coal. Design of experiments (DOE) on coal liquification which with low NOx and SOx.Design and lead a large extraction unit with third party. Draft two patents related to the invention. Designed multiple refineries and petrochemicals plant units for upgrade and revamping. Including motor oil production with dewaxing and aromatic removal Design of experiments (DOE) on coal extraction.
• Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS • B.S. Chemical Engineering with minor in Econometrics
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