Akron Rubber Development Laborat ory , Inc.
Theodore T. Nelson
419-889-9135 ~ tednelson89@gmail.com
VP of Technology / General Manager / Director
A highly experienced Operations and Technical Senior Manager who has demonstrated the ability to lead teams of professionals and non-professionals to achieve high levels of success in very competitive and demanding markets. Strong technical qualifications with a quality and customer focus, operational experience, and an impressive track record of more than 25 years of hands-on experience in research & development, quality systems management, project and product management, technical sales & service and strategic planning. Proven record to successfully analyze an organization's critical needs, identify deficiencies and potential opportunities, develop and implement innovative solutions for enhancing competitiveness, reducing manufacturing costs, and improving customer loyalty to increase revenue.
Examples of Leadership Effectiveness
100% increase in sales to $24M in 3.5 years while responsible for Technical, Sales, and Quality as Technical Director at Hercules Tire.
60% increase in sales to $40M in 3 years while responsible for Technical, Sales, Quality & Operations as Technical Director and Interim GM of Biltrite Industries, Findlay Plant.
Resolution to potential loss of $1M contract, in which, customer planned to move operation in house. Through a new quote model, operational improvements and customer service at every level of the process, the business was maintained and a commitment was made to double it.
Secured a $15M piece of captive business through Technical and Quality expertise. Created Kan-ban supply process and participated in joint development programs with this customer.
34% rubber extrusion output increase on four continuous cure extrusion lines with a $100K capital investment and the reduction of three operators. Scrap levels dropped from 4% to 1%.
Reduced defective custom mix product from approximately 2% to less than 0.5% by targeting key failure modes identified through Pareto analyses. Introduced this tool to organization and created several KPIs that were displayed throughout plant. Created a new culture of quality awareness at all levels.
Leadership Competencies: Process Control – Quality Control – Continual Improvement – Lean Manufacturing Principles Six Sigma – Problem Solving – Product Development – Environment Safety & Health Rubber Technology – Sales Strategies – Revenue & Profit Growth – Relationship Building Chemistry – “Green” Raw Materials & Strategies – Lean Product Development
Leadership Career History
Akron Rubber Development Laboratory – Akron, Ohio (April 2014 – Present)
Senior Technical Advisor / VP of Compounding/Physical Testing Services - Work with customers on compound development, process improvement, product development & troubleshooting. - Evaluate customer's needs and consult to provide solutions utilizing ARDL's testing resources.
Theodore T. Nelson
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