Section 1 Summary
3. Work with Manufacturers to Implement Activity Plans
Contractor to engage with the manufacturers and execute the individual manufacturer’s activity plans that will include technical assistance, material testing and possibly certification benefits. Authorization for lab budgets and testing to be approved by Project Manager. Collaborate with CalRecycle to refine the need, schedule, sample collection procedures and other details for crumb rubber material testing. Request CalRecycle to provide a 30- month notification schedule of planned TIP grant solicitations. Efficiently gather samples and conduct tests based on ASTM standards and specifications identified for each product during the project. Contractor will provide the required tests as identified in the proposal. Keep CalRecycle apprised of progress and issues as they arise; submit monthly progress and budget reports along with report copies; manage materials on shared dropbox site abiding by confidentiality policies; submit draft and final report, along with case studies, covering all project work.
3. Activity summarized in monthly progress reports,
Included with monthly reports.
4. Crumb Rubber Material Testing
4. Test result reports
Included with monthly reports
5. Reporting
A. Monthly Progress Reports A. Draft Final Report and Final Report B. Present summary and results
A. Monthly, starting January 2022 B. Draft by June 1, 2024. Final Report by July 1, 2024. C. July 1, 2024
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