Section 3 Scenarios
be expected to take weeks or even months due to the type of test, possible construction schedule time; lab test available time. After the sample performance is documented, the specification of crumb rubber can be finalized. In practice, we believe the process will occur towards the end of the FCS assistance process for most firms. Identify Technical Assistance, Testing and Certification Needs and Costs and Prioritize the Products: The specific assistance, testing and certification priorities will vary widely by manufacturer and product. In general, we envision that each product’s Activity Plan will include the following milestones, with assistance activities as indicated below: 1. Identify and secure a preliminary crumb rubber specification for use in developing prototypes. The team will assist in suggesting preliminary mesh sizes and considerations and will facilitate communication between the manufacturer and alternative crumb rubber suppliers. 2. Developing a sample/prototype suitable for testing. This will primarily be the manufacturer’s responsibility, although the team’s specialists will be available to provide feedback and advice. Some of the key considerations related to producing prototypes and refining manufacturing processes include: • The potential need to isolate existing production from prototype production in time due to odor concerns related to crumb rubber and/or to leaving black material in equipment used for lighter color products; • Refining the exact mix of crumb sizes and other additives; • Determining an appropriate strategy for colorizing the product and determining feasible colors that can be produced; and • Adjusting extrusion and compression equipment and molds to optimize results. If needed, we also have the capacity to arrange to produce prototypes independently, although we assume most manufacturers will insist on doing this themselves. We would like to discuss making this step a hard deadline within the Activity Plans. That is, manufacturers would be required to produce a sample / prototype by a certain date, or to demonstrate efforts to do so; otherwise CalRecycle would have the prerogative of reducing or canceling further assistance services. This may aid in driving timely progress in some cases. 3. Conduct independent testing and certifications. Tests are identified based on market and regulatory need and conducted by team resources, under direction of the Activity Plan Manager. 4. Refining and finalizing the crumb rubber specification to be used. The team will assist in finalizing a crumb rubber specification for use after the prototype and formulation is finalized. We will coordinate with crumb rubber producers to ensure the capacity to meet the required specification using California waste tires at qualified crumb rubber production facilities. 5. Communicating regularly with the manufacturer and gathering information needed for monthly progress reports. We anticipate that this will be a key role played by one of the Manufacturer Technical Assistance Managers assigned to each manufacturer. The responsibilities will be to provide regular, ongoing encouragement and support, including reminders of established timelines and individual tasks and responsibilities to the manufacturer and service providers tasked to work with the manufacturers. Every effort will be made to drive the Activity Plans forward by whatever means necessary. Progress and success, however, will depend at most on each manufacturer’s sustained commitment and motivation. In our experience, in virtually all cases, manufacturers will experience setbacks and distractions that may
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