Section 2 Methodology
All confidential and proprietary information will be labeled clearly and appropriately so that it is considered a “trade secret” consistent with Public Resources Code 40062. We propose to identify with CalRecycle what items will be considered confidential during Task 1 Work Plan development. We assume that, minimally, product test reports and results will be considered confidential. We propose to identify appropriate procedures for managing confidential documents during Task 1 Work Plan development. Under Task 5 we will develop the templates to be used for tracking tasks, invoices, budgets and for executing sub-contracts and task orders. Sub-contracting and task assignments for Activity Plan implementation will be covered under Task 3.
The timeline for reporting has been identified in the RFP and Table 2. The Final Report will include:
• A summary of contract activity, including summaries by manufacturer and product;
• The aggregated anticipated usage of crumb rubber and projected annual sales of all products;
• Key challenges and how they were overcome;
• Suggestions for future assistance activity;
• The ability to replicate for other similar products; and
All reports and documents drafted for publication will be prepared in accordance with CalRecycle’s Publications Guide, and DK Enterprises will work with CalRecycle’s editor to finalize the documents. We will provide a draft report outline for the final report and case studies as identified in Table 2. We propose to identify exactly which documents and reports will be published by CalRecycle during Task 1 Work Plan development. Preliminarily, we want to better understand and agree to what information will be made public, if any in the Final Report and Case Studies. While other documents not identified as confidential and proprietary may technically be “public,” we tentatively assume that they will not be published and would only be made available publicly through a specific request.
• Monthly Progress Reports and Copies of Work Products (Monthly) • Draft Final Report and Final Report • Present summary and results
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