Section 2 Overview of Tire-Derived Product Development
This section provides an overview of how to develop new tire-derived products (TDPs) that systematically integrate appropriate quality standards and specifications. The process can also be used to refine quality standards and specifications for existing TDPs. The Need for Widely Adopted TDP Industry Standards and Specifications While certain ASTM standards exist that are pertinent to the TDP industry (see Appendix A and information in this section below), the industry often operates on an informal basis without reference to any established standards or specifications. Development of reliable crumb rubber specifications for TDPs across the industry requires collaboration by stakeholders involved in the fabrication of TDPs, including crumb rubber producers; rubber compounders, and TDP manufacturers. Figure 1 presents an overview of a market-driven approach based on input from stakeholders contacted for this study. In practice, this is a long-term effort that will play out over many years. Figure 1 A Market-Driven Approach to Developing Industry-Wide Standards for Crumb Rubber and TDPs
Contractor’s Report
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