brands who engage in marketing and sales of such product applications. Other times installers are contractors who provide installation services on behalf of brand owners marketing products. Passenger Tire Equivalent (PTE) --Historically, measurement of the quantities of waste tires were based on number of tires and not weight. Because waste tires come in a variety of sizes and weights (especially when passenger and light truck tires are compared to heavy commercial tires), it is useful to use a standard unit of measure to convert numbers of tires to weight and number of large tires to equivalent number of small tires, and vice versa. This factor is called the Passenger Tire Equivalent—the average scrap passenger tire historically has been commonly held to weigh 20.0 pounds. Furthermore, 14 CCR §17225.770 defines a “passenger tire equivalent” (PTE) as the total weight of altered waste tires, in pounds, divided by 20 pounds. 1 PTE = 1 Waste Tire. Processor --A facility that accepts whole tires for processing, including culling of reusable tires, shredding, baling, chipping and/or production of crumb rubber or coarse ground rubber. In some programs, crumb rubber producers are considered end-users instead of, or in addition to, being considered processors. Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) --A pavement material that consists of crumb rubber mixed into regular asphalt concrete (a mixture of asphalt binder and mineral aggregate). Since 2007 the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has replaced the term Rubberized Asphalt Concrete with the term Rubber Hot Mix Asphalt, which is an equivalent term that Caltrans feels is more consistent with industry usage. Rubber Hot Mix Asphalt (RHMA) --See the definition of Rubberized Asphalt Concrete. Scrap Tire --A worn, damaged or defective tire that is not a repairable tire. (30 PRC §42805.6). Tire Business Assistance Program (TBAP) --A California program that provides services and resources for businesses who either process used tires or produce tire-derived products using California waste tires Tire-Derived Aggregate (TDA) --Pieces of scrap tires that have a basic geometrical shape and are generally between 12 mm and 305 mm in size and are intended for use in CE applications. Tire-Derived Fuel (TDF) --The combustion of whole or shredded tires in an oxygenated environment to extract the energy value embodied in the tire for use in an industrial process or to generate electricity. Tire-Derived Material (TDM) --Processed material (crumb, shreds, aggregate, etc.) derived from scrap tires, typically used as a feedstock in further processing, or used as is in a CE, turf infill, or other type of application. Tire-Derived Product(s) (TDP) --Material that meets both of the following requirements (30 PRC §42805.7): 1. Is derived from a process using whole tires as a feedstock. A process using whole tires includes, but is not limited to, shredding, crumbing, or chipping. 2. Has been sold and removed from the processing facility. 3. Used Tire — A tire that meets both of the following requirements: 4. The tire is no longer mounted on a vehicle but is still suitable for use as a vehicle tire.

Contractor’s Report


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