Conduct outreach to customers . CalRecycle’s Tire Outreach and Market Analysis contract is slated to conduct outreach and education to a range of customer groups through September 2016. CalRecycle should make sure that the full range of available new products developed by feedstock conversion firms is fully included in the effort. And, as customer needs for new recycled tire products are identified, CalRecycle should communicate these needs back to the industry and firms who may be well positioned to meet the needs. Develop a feedstock conversion plan. CalRecycle has established feedstock conversion as a priority tire market development area, and as discussed above there are several existing and potential new programs and activities that CalRecycle could use to promote it. Past feedstock conversion efforts have largely been conducted through TBAP grants, which are no longer offered. Given this context, SAIC suggests that CalRecycle develop a Feedstock Conversion Plan that identifies goals and activities (including staff and financial resources) to advance feedstock conversion, and that puts potential outcomes in the context of broader goals for expansion and diversification of California waste tire recycling markets. The plan should address both short and long-term actions and goals, with the expectation that feedstock conversion results will most likely occur incrementally over a period of several years, but if successful could provide lasting benefits for many years to come. Overall, feedstock conversion is a long-term tire market development strategy that, while costly and slow to yield results, holds the potential to transform crumb rubber markets, benefitting waste tire recycling firms and helping to achieve CalRecycle’s waste tire recycling goals.

Contractor’s Report


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