Section 2 Methodology
Candidate Questionnaire that was created in the previous FCS contracts would be utilized again. We created an Activity Plan format that was utilized during the previous FCS contracts that was beneficial in outlining what needed to be accomplished after we received and reviewed the Candidate Questionnaire. Both documents require a response that further qualifies the manufacturer and information about their existing product(s) of interest including historical business information; gross revenue; product information; standards, certifications and regulatory requirements; and more. We have provided a comprehensive list of service providers that will be beneficial to FCS. However, depending on the product and certification requirements, we may still need to add additional labs or technical service providers. We envision enclosing a written agreement with the manufacturer of the draft Activity Plan. We will then work with the firm as needed via telephone and email to finalize information gathered and draft the Activity Plan. As needed and as budget allows, we will tap our manufacturing technical assistance experts for feedback and advice as we develop the plans, including in some cases including them in conference calls with the firms. Section 5, Qualifications and Resources, details the expertise, services and some of the types of tests or certifications we envision may be needed in the Activity Plans (depends on the product requirements), and our response to the RFP Scenarios in Section 3 provides examples. Subject to CalRecycle feedback, we envision one Activity Plan will be prepared for each participating manufacturer that incorporates details related to all the firm’s feedstock conversion products covered in the FCS program. Specific milestones are likely to include:
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