Invited Keynote Lectures (within past 5 years) 1. Qatar Public Work Authority: “Development of Quality Control and Quality Assurance Program for Qatar Pavement Construction,” Doha, Qatar, February 15, 2012. 2. Chile International Asphalt Conference: “Green and Sustainable Asphalt Technologies,” Santiago, Chile August 20, 2014. 3. Egypt Ministry of Transportation: “Cold In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements,” Cairo, Egypt, February 25, 2015. 4. Chile Ministry of Public Works: “Development of Superpave Specifications for Chile,” Santiago, Chile, October 21, 2015. 5. Bolivia Ministry of Public Works: “Implementation of Superpave Technology in Bolivia,” Sucre, Bolivia, August 10, 2016. Selected Recent Publications • P.E. Sebaaly, “Engineering Properties of Gilsonite-Modified Asphalt Mixtures,” Cologne, Germany, July 2017. • S.F. Kazemi, P.E. Sebaaly, R.V. Siddharthan, E.Y. Hajj, A.J.T. Hand, and Md. Ahsanuzzaman, “Dynamic Pavement Response Coefficient to Estimate the Impact of Variation in Dynamic Vehicle Load,” 10 th International Conference on The Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, Athens, Greece, June, 2017. • P.E. Sebaaly, E.Y. Hajj, and M. Piratheepan, “Impact of Gilsonite on the Performance of Un- Modified and Polymer-Modified Asphalt Mixtures,” International Society of Asphalt Pavements, July, 2016. • P.E. Sebaaly and E.Y. Hajj, “Effectiveness of Preventive Maintenance of Asphalt Pavements,” 6 th Euroasphalt and Eurobitumen Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2016. • P.E. Sebaaly and E. Y. Hajj, “Impact of Additives on the Cracking Resistance of Asphalt Mixtures,” 8 th RILEM International Conference on Mechanism of Cracking and Debonding in Pavements, Nantes, France, June 2016. • P.E. Sebaaly, E.Y. Hajj, and M. Piratheepan, “Evaluation of Selected Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies,” Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, Volume 16, 2015. • P.E. Sebaaly, E.Y. Hajj, E. Sathanathan, and T. Shivakolunthar, “A Comprehensive Evaluation of Moisture Damage of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2015. • P.E. Sebaaly, M. Souliman, M. Piratheepan, E.Y. Hajj, and W. Sequeria, “Impact of Lime on the Mechanical Properties and Mechanistic Performance of HMA Mixtures,” International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, Volume 16(2), 2015 • M.Z. Alavi, E.Y. Hajj, and P.E. Sebaaly, “A Comprehensive Model for Predicting Thermal Cracking Events in Asphalt Pavements,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2015. • Z. Chamoun, M. Souliman, E.Y. Hajj, P.E. Sebaaly, “Evaluation of Select Warm-Mix Additives with Polymer and Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixtures,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Volume 42(6), 2015. • P.E. Sebaaly, E.Y. Hajj, R. Maharjan, and E. Hitti, “Performance of Tire Rubber-modified Asphalt Binder in Warm Mix Asphalt Mixtures,” Proceedings of the Rubberized Asphalt Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2015.

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