Section 2 Methodology
Task 2: Identify Prospective Manufacturers, Conduct Marketing Outreach, Develop Individual Manufacturer Activity Plans and Budgets for Participating Manufacturers, and Qualify Processors to Provide Crumb Rubber Task 2 will be led by Denise Kennedy with support by our technical and material testing specialist where needed. Objective: Develop a list of California qualified interested manufacturers, compounders and material specialist that can help to identify additional qualified FCS manufacturing candidate. Under Task 2A, the Contractor is to research and identify prospective California rubber (virgin rubber) and appropriate plastic manufacturers with sales in excess of $1 million for the previous year that may be interested in designing and developing feedstock conversion products. The manufacturer would be asked to replace their current raw material (e.g., virgin rubber, plastic, aggregate, other) with a minimum of five percent recycled tire crumb rubber. The Contractor is being instructed to focus on California TDP manufacturers that have not previously participated in various CalRecycle grants and technical assistance, including the TIP grants or the previous FCS Contract. The California TDP manufacturers that have participated in CalRecycle grants and the FCS represent between 85 to 95 percent of the California tire-derived product manufacturers. Therefore, we will initially review existing lists and research and add to those lists. The best source is by word of mouth versus buying additional lists that are not always current. We acknowledge that not every company on the lists that have been developed and we know that not every company on the list meets the eligibility criteria of FCS/TIP. Our team is requesting the most updated list or lists of TDP manufacturers that have participated in the CalRecycle grants, including TIP grants for a specified range of years, since our team is being asked not to focus on these TDP manufacturers. Our team is asking CalRecycle to include the contact person, contact information, year of grant, name of grant, type of grant and volume of tire rubber used for each grant. Our team is also requesting CalRecycle provide lists of attendees of CalRecycle sponsored or co- sponsored conferences, forums and meetings for the building and construction and plastic industries or other resources that may be available. To date the best source for TIP and FCS have been industry referrals, CalRecycle grantees, associates, association members, and networking contacts. We will also draw from our proposed service providers, the Rubber and Plastic Directory , the Rubber Red Book , the Blue Book Building & Construction Network and possible procurements and subscriptions from other relevant databases, lists and reports. The deliverable list will be compiled in an Excel Spreadsheet, retaining information on lead sources, pertinent data, previous CalRecycle grants, year and use of rubber (if known) and notes from contacting the firms. We will seek to identify a top priority candidate pool of approximately 50 firms and then reduce the list to the top 20 qualified firms in Task 2B. 2A. Prepare Prioritized List of Prospective Manufacturers
Task 2A Deliverables:
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