Professional Memberships
Current: American Academy for the Advancement ofScience
American Chemical Society American Physical Society
Ohio-Region Section: Chair, 2006. Chair-Elect, 2005. Vice Chair, 2004. As Chair, spearheaded campai gn that successfully changed the section name. American Society for Mass Spectroscopy Rubber Division, American Chemical Society Program Planning Committee: Member, 2005 - present. Previous: American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society. Cleveland Branch: Director, 1996, 1997, 1998. President, 1995. Vice-President, 1994. As President, worked with team that successfully held the 1996 national meeting in Cleveland, with only one year notice, after another site was forced to withdraw.
Community/Public Service Representing U of A and CPSPE
1) Science Fair Judge, 2004- present. Multiple events per year: Plain Local Schools, Ohio Districts 11 and 13, District 13 - Intel Science & Engineering, and Ohio State Science Day. 2) Guest speaker for Frazier Elementary School's program "After School Enrichment -Defining STEM", Grades 1 - 4, October 3, 2017.
1) CJ Ohlemacher and GR Hamed "Aging with applied strain ofa black-filled natural rubber vulcanizate. Part I: network changes" Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 81(4), 650-670, 2008.
Conference Proceedings - Presenter
1) CJ Ohlemacher, GR Hamed; "Aging ofa black-filled natural rubber vulcanized at fixed strain: part II. Tear resistance"; American Chemical Society, Rubber Division, 176 th Technical Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, Oct. 12-15, 2009. 2) CJ Ohlemacher, RH Seiple, MDKleinhenz, FC Michel Jr., WF Ravlin, D Ehrensing; "Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TKS) - a domestic source ofnatural rubber: rubber quality of early development samples"; American Chemical Society, Rubber Division, 176 1h Technical Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, Oct. 12-15, 2009. 3) Ohlemacher C. and Gilbert, M.; "Reduction ofCadmium Plating on AircraftWheels and Brakes"; AESF Aerospace Symposium, Orlando, Florida, January, 1993, 26-28.
Conference Proceedings - Contributor
1) K Cornish, W Xie, JL Slutsky, RS Kamenik, CJ Ohlemacher, D Kostyal, J Collins-Silva, DK Shintani, M Kleinhenz, F Michel, et al; "Alternative natural rubber sources to Hevea natural
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