TDP Catalog
Tire-derived coatings, sealants andpaints provideenhanceddurability , flexibility andprotection from moisture and theelements. Theproducts areused indiverse applications, frombuilding construction to automotiveprotection.
Coatings, Sealants&Paints BenefitsMay Include: • Extend the lifetimeof treatedproducts and surfaces • Superior UV resistance, heat resistance and low temperature flexibility • Excellent adhesion towet,moist or uneven surfaces • Withstands exposure to chlorides, sulfates, UV, abrasion and freeze-thaw cycles • Resistant tooils and solvents • Appropriate for a varietyof indoor andoutdoor applications • Available in a rangeof different colors • Easy application andmaintenance • Cost-Effective Coatings, Sealants&PaintsApplicationsMay Include: • Waterproofing andprotection for truckbedliners andunderbodyprotection • Sealants used toenhance tireperformance, safety and longevity • Infrastructure coatings to seal or patch cracks or leaks • Waterproofing coatings for: o Fixed features such as fountains, pools, spillways and aquatic tanks o Planter boxes and foundations o Concrete,masonry andother constructionmaterials
o Decks andpedestrianbridges o Water andwastewater facilities
• Waterproofingmembranes for: o Roofingunderlayment
o Chimney, window andwall flashing o Deck systems and concrete foundations
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