TDP Catalog
Swisstraxoffersapracticalandmodernalternativeto standardconcreteandepoxyflooring.
Where formmeets function.
Garages AirplaneHangars Patios Pools Showrooms
Eventfloors Displaypads Workshops
ResidentialFlooring Swisstrax offers theperfect solution to improve the lookof your residential floor.Our residential floor tilesarealsoagreat way tocoverupanyflooring imperfections suchascracks or stains.
CommercialFlooring Swisstrax commercial flooring isaperfectway to livenupyourbusinessorwork
Sturdyanddependablesolid tile.
Garages Showrooms Eventfloors
Displaypads Workshops
space.Ourmodular floor is appealing to theeye, easy to cleanandwill last for years. Customizeyour floorwithyour logo inserted into it.
• Do-it-YourselfProject • HighRolloverStrength • Non-SlipWhenWet • Easy toClean&Maintain • SuperiorQuality&Design • UVStabilizerBuilt intoMaterial • Chemical Resistant • 15YearWarranty • Over20MillionSqFt Installed
Boldandnon-slipsolid tile.
Garages Showrooms Gyms
Eventfloors Displaypads Workshops
Superbmulti-use functionality.
Gyms Volleyball courts Badmintoncourts Boats/docks Garages Pools/spas/decks
Basketball courts Tenniscourts Inline/Roller Hockeyarenas Basement RecreationRooms
Smoothsolid texturedfinish.
Dancefloors Showrooms Offices Gyms
Eventfloors Displaypads Playrooms | (866)748-7940
82-579FlemingWay#A, Indio, CA92201
SwisstraxModular Flooring
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